Do you think it can last in the river?
How would you feel if you are this paper boat?
I personally feel most Singaporeans didn't realise they are living life like a paper boat. In calm water they are able to last and beautiful to the eyes.
BUT if it rains or a branch fall and causes a ripple, most paper boats will eventually sink.
I was not from a well to do family, my mother brought me up all by herself. Everything became unaffordable once my grandmother became diagnosed with brain stem stroke, she became paralysed from mouth down and needed long term nursing care.
Olden people did not believe in insurance so my grandmother did not get any policy at all. To make things worse, my mother had 2 other siblings but none of them offered to help with the hefty medical bills. So to ease my mother from her financial burden, I started work at a young age and was eventually bonded to a company which offered me a lump sum and supported my studies.
Olden people did not believe in insurance so my grandmother did not get any policy at all. To make things worse, my mother had 2 other siblings but none of them offered to help with the hefty medical bills. So to ease my mother from her financial burden, I started work at a young age and was eventually bonded to a company which offered me a lump sum and supported my studies.
I got my mother a life insurance when I started working so I will not face the same issue as what my mother did. I will not need to worry about the expenses if she was hit by any unexpected circumstances. But when I got it for my mother she was 39 so I paid a monthly premium of $600.
I supported the policy and unfortunately my mother died because of cardiac arrest 5 years later. My mother did not have any savings but my decision to get the insurance for her have left me with a sum of money when I needed it most. On top of this, I got a great agent who help me facilitate the claim so I got money to pay for the funeral expenses etc.
Though the payout is not alot, eventually I got married and used it to pay for my house down payment. Now I am happily married with 2 beautiful daughters.
I hope my story will touch the lives of all others I could not meet face to face with. Therefore I started this blog to share my personal knowledge and experience on insurance protection and financial planning which my financial consultant shared with me.
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